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品牌aquanautic,一个拥有海洋气息的名字,结合唯美主义和造表技术,细节蕴藏航海气息,缔造出独一无二的 风格。腕表的特色是由螺旋桨形的秒针、如潜水艇系统般精准的动力系统组成。签名式的手表系列包括具备500米防水功 能的superking,以及100米防水功能的princess cuda。品牌独有的特色是设计了一款可“自由搭配组件”的腕表,可从 自选表盘、表圈和配搭,建构个人化腕表。




witha name rising from water,the brand aquanautic?combines aesthetic with technical ability.

onevery watch there are recurring details referring to thenauticalworld which constitute the brand’s signature:the seconds hand isshaped as a propr,the wheel loing pushers is elaborated as asubmarine hatch lock system and the crowns locking system isconceived as a decompression room.not only do they contribute toform the brand identity but they also guarantee a perfect waterresistance,from 100 meters for the first,bara and princess cudawatch,up to 500 meters for the superking watch.

providinga great choice of interchangeable elements such as bezels,masks andstraps,aquanautic?offers a unique chance to create a personalized watch.itcanfulfil everyone’s desire whether sports with a rubber strap,fashion playing with accessories or even sparkling with diamonds.

ourin-house stones experts hand pick,cut,polish and set diamonds toaquanautic?exact specifications(brilliant,princess or aquanautic?patented hexagonal technique).each diamond is set by hand and theseprecious stones turn the piece into a real jewel to be worn on thewrist.

aquanautic?watches are swiss made and subjected to a strict quality testcontrol.





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